Hi! I’m Kar

I’m Canadian

I grew up overseas, mostly in Canada, and I do indeed LOVE maple syrup, maple cookies and snowflakes. Christmas lights, ice skating, snowboarding and poutine are the best

We love to travel

My husband and I love travelling together, particularly anywhere sunny and perfect for snorkelling or skiing!

London is brilliant

I’ve been here for years and London is still my favourite city because of it’s incredible art, theatre and diversity. I particularly enjoy wandering around galleries, street photography and shooting on the no. 12 bus

My cats are adorable

We have a comfortable studio in Camberwell SE5, close to University of the Arts London, Camberwell College of Art, Mountview, London School of Musical Theatre, London South Bank University and Goldsmiths

We are right around the corner from the award-winning Toad Bakery with plenty of natural light and a few relatively inquisitive cats

At heart, I photograph people and I love it. It’s tremendously fun to meet new people every week and a true privilege to be entrusted with your new headshots

I look forward to meeting you! I can’t wait to hear all about your projects and introduce you to my kitties

Let’s shoot some portraits you will love